Writing Samples

Sprinkles!: Recipes and Ideas for Rainbowlicious Desserts

Sprinkles!: Recipes and Ideas for Rainbowlicious Desserts

Sprinkles!: Recipes and Ideas for Rainbowlicious Desserts is a fun and kind of weirdly wonderful, whimsical book, and I believe it’s the first cookbook dedicated entirely to the appreciation and understanding of sprinkles.  I hope you all love it!

cover of The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers.
Jackie Alpers is an American Photography 39 Selected Winner for the Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook photography
Taste Photography Award Winner Jackie Alpers 2024
The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers is a 2024 Muse Photography Awards gold winner.
Muse photography award gold winner Jackie Alpers