Food Photography of Somen Noodles from Janos

Janos Wilder supplied a recipe for Somen Noodles from his new restaurant Downtown Kitchen + Cocktails, to a beautiful new online green living magazine. I supplied the photo. You can get the recipe and check out the rest of the magazine at Sustainable Online Magazine.

Somen Noodles from Janos Downtown Kitchen + Cocktails

sweet + sour marinated shiitakes, tossed with olive + sesame oils, basil, broccoli rabe, scallions, Tohono O’odham roasted squash, chile-braised tofu:

cover of The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers.
Jackie Alpers is an American Photography 39 Selected Winner for the Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook photography
Taste Photography Award Winner Jackie Alpers 2024
The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers is a 2024 Muse Photography Awards gold winner.
Muse photography award gold winner Jackie Alpers