Jackie Alpers photographs 2010 Holiday Ad Campaign for La Encantada in Black and White

The 2010 holiday ad campaign that I shot for La Encantada, an upscale open air mall in Arizona, illustrates the story of a dapper man-about-town as he picks up last minute holiday gifts for his family… and himself. Our hero, dressed in a Brooks Brother’s suit, stops at Tiffany & Co. where he buys a huge, four carat diamond anniversary ring. After that, he decides he could use a drink, and a smoke, so he stops at a wine bar, removes a Cuban from his Tommy Bahama cigar case, and enjoys a glass of fine brandy. He chooses a new pair of specs, straps a holiday wreath from the Pottery Barn on his vintage Mercedes, and heads off into the evening with a new found friend from the Humane Society.

This is running as a seven page magazine insert. Produced and styled by Melanie Sutton and Adriana Barillari. Layout by Heidi Zielger-Voll @ Heidi5. Our models were John O. from S.I.M. Agency in Phoenix, and our own Adriana Barillari who stepped in as a Tiffany’s shop girl at the last minute. John, it turned out, is also a coach for the Chicago White Sox.

I am especially happy to say that all of our amazing animal models from the Humane Society have been adopted!

cover of The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers.
Jackie Alpers is an American Photography 39 Selected Winner for the Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook photography
Taste Photography Award Winner Jackie Alpers 2024
The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers is a 2024 Muse Photography Awards gold winner.
Muse photography award gold winner Jackie Alpers