2012 International Photography Award for Food

I’ve won an honorable mention in the food photography category of the 2012 International Photography Awards for my photo of fresh tomatillos which was selected from over 10,000 entries from over 100 countries around the world.
The finalists and subcategory winners were determined, by an international jury panel, comprised of over 80 photo professionals.

omatillos: http://photoawards.com/en/Pages/Gallery/zoomwin.php?eid=8-49414-12&uid&code=Food

cover of The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers.
Jackie Alpers is an American Photography 39 Selected Winner for the Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook photography
Taste Photography Award Winner Jackie Alpers 2024
The Unofficial Elf Cookbook by Jackie Alpers is a 2024 Muse Photography Awards gold winner.
Muse photography award gold winner Jackie Alpers